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Ştiinţa U Craiova U19 Stats

Date Home Away League Analysis
2021-05-22 08:00:00 Ştiinţa U Craiova U19 Ripensia Timişoara U19 Romania U19 League
Date Home Away League Goals (FT/HT) Corners (FT/HT) Analysis
League Table
Ranking Team Games Wins Draw Lost Goals Points Form
Ranking Team Games Wins Draw Lost Goals Points Form
Ranking Team Games Wins Draw Lost Goals Points Form
Ranking Team Games Wins Draw Lost Goals Points Form
Ranking Team Games Wins Draw Lost Goals Points Form
Ranking Team Games Wins Draw Lost Goals Points Form
Ranking Team Games Wins Draw Lost Goals Points Form
Ranking Team Games Wins Draw Lost Goals Points Form
Ranking Team Games Wins Draw Lost Goals Points Form